Mr Shifters Guide to Moving House; Packing

Planning for your Removal; Get Packing!

Moving can be a stressful time, the preparation, the paper work, the money all need to be in the right place at the right time.

We understand that it can be daunting to getting to the tough job of packing and preparing for your move. Below are some of our hints and tips on how to make a smooth move:

Start packing early

packing1The sooner you start the easier you will find it. Plan your packing strategically; start with your non-essentials. Box up items from your linen cupboards, lofts, garden, winter clothes, books etc. Items that you won’t need to hand until after the move.

As the day approaches start to streamline your living essentials, consider packing all but 1 plate, cup, dish etc per person. This way you can focus on keeping these clean regularly and will have less to pack at the last minute.





Be Ruthless



When organising what you are going to pack, be honest with yourself. Ask yourself:

When did we last use it?
Do we need?
How often will we use?

Often items from lofts, cupboards and under the stairs have been there for years and will likely still be left in the loft for years to come in the new house as well. Moving is a good chance to declutter and  remove these unneeded items.

Plan your Space

11949778_10153759763443023_7864256_nThis applies to both your current and new address. Consider dismantling dining room tables and laying the table top up against the wall. This will give you more room to stack your boxes and keep them out of your common living areas.


Dismantle and store spare beds. If you have a guest bedroom dismantle the bed and store it against the wall again giving you a good amount of space and allowing you to store and stack more boxes ahead of your move.

Invest in materials

You have spent years investing in your home and it’s content. When it comes to Moving invest in good quality packing and boxing materials.

To get your free removal quote from us click below:

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