Big move, Big Distance, lets head to Exeter!
This morning I was in East Ham visiting a customer, he is currently living in this 4 bedroom home. He is planning a move down to Exeter in the near future.
He has already had one sale fall through for a move down to this area, so as a back up plan and to not loose out on his buyer, he has planned to complete on his property no matter what, and if needs be he will arrange for us to handle his entire removal into storage until he finds a suitable property for us to deliver into.
As with a similar customer that I have seen recently, because the property is so large, and will need a high number of containers I recommended that we attend a few days before his completion to start bringing over his belongings in storage progressively and leave a few items for us to collect into store on the last day to space out and reduce the pressure on the actually move. His move is quite large and without the containers we would need to commit our largest Wagon to the removal: